
OSQueryquery system info using sqlC++, Pythonmonitoring, administration
lsofDetermine The process using a fileCmonitoring, administration
fselectsql syntax based find+ls alternativeCmonitoring, administration
dustdu alternativeRustmonitoring, administration
glancesMonitoring from CLIPythonmonitoring, administration
kmonLinux Kernel Manager and Activity MonitorRustmonitoring, administration
vnstatNetwork traffic monitor for Linux and BSDCmonitoring, administration
btopA monitor of resourcesC++monitoring
ctopTop-like interface for container metricsGolangmonitoring
bandwhichBandwidth monitoringRustmonitoring
ttyplota realtime plotting utility for text mode consoles and terminalsCmonitoring
mtrtraceroute with ping capabilitiesCNetworking
FirejailSandboxing using linux namespacesCSecurity
Pi-hole.shAd BlockerShellSecutiry
gopassAlternative Password manager to passGolangSecutiry
hyperfinebenchmarking toolRustBenchmarking
exaModern ls alternativeRustGeneral
multitailTail alternativeCGeneral
lsXtendedcd + ls with a menuGolangGeneral
nnna fast lightweight file managerCGeneral
TUIFIManagerTUI file managers with icons and mouse supportPythonGeneral
clifmThe shell-like, command line terminal file managerCGeneral
brootA new way to see and navigate directory treeRustGeneral
mmvRename multiple files with editorGolangGeneral
fdfast and concise find alternativeRustGeneral
moreutilsextention to the Unix coreutilsCGeneral
ohmycronRun cron jobs in a standardized environment with logs and lockingBashGeneral
teettywrapper binary to execute a command in a pty while providing remote control facilities.rustGeneral
tmux-xpanesAwesome tmux-based terminal dividerShellGeneral
Squintduplicates the output of a monitor into a X11 windowCX11
entrExecute a command on file changeCEvents
watchmanexecute commands on file/dir change. *C++Events
runstDesktop notifications deamonrustNotifications
watchexecentr alternativeRustFilesystem
unfreplace annoying anti-unix characters in filenamesRustFilesystem
HowdyAI Face AuthenticatorPythonAuth
PaperkeyPrint private key in paperCSecurity
zsyncFile transfer using rsync algoCSecurity


altfind alternate path for a given pathRustSearch
skimfuzzy finderRustSearch
cloclines of code computerCCode Quality
sccSloc, Cloc and CodeGolangCode Quality
tokeilines of code computerRustCode Quality
Spaceship-promptAwesome Zsh promptShellShell
Nu shellModern shellRustShell
direnvload and unload environment variables depending on the current directoryGolangShell
JustHandy way to save and run project-specific commandsRustShell
hstrEasily view, navigate, search and manage your command historyCShell
dotdotfiles management toolRustDotfiles
hexylhex viewerRustLow Level
mdcatrenders markdown in terminalRustDocs
HalpA CLI tool to get help with CLI toolsRustDocs
jjCLI json CRUD on the flyGolangParsing
pupCLI HTML parserGolangParsing
xsvCLI csv toolkitRustParsing
rqfaster jq alternativeRustParsing
millerMiller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and JSONGoParsing
lnavan advanced log file viewer for the small-scaleC++Logs
cczeLogs colorizerCLogs
glowmarkdown cli rendererGolangDocs
ptpythonPython better ReplPythonPython
tmtTest Management ToolPythonTesting
mycliMysql better cliPythonDatabase
pgcliPostgres better cliPythonDatabase
plumberA swiss army knife CLI tool for interacting with Kafka, RabbitMQ and other messaging systemsGolangMessaging
MesonModern Build systemCBuild
WiggleApply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffsCBuild
grexRegEx generator (from use cases)RustRegEx
HurlHTTP requests in a plain-text formatRustNetworking
WuzzInteractive cli tool for HTTP inspectionGolangNetworking


asciinema-rdasciinema alternativeRustMultimedia
GraphicMagickImageMagick user friendly alternativeCMultimedia
slopPrint X Selection to STDOUTC++Multimedia
autosubSpeech recognition based sub generatorPythonMultimedia
menyokiScreen{shot,cast} and perform ImageOps on the command lineRustMultimedia
viuTerminal image viewerRustMultimedia
soxSwiss Army knife of sound processing programsCMultimedia
imgpFast batch image resizer and rotatorPythonMultimedia
papisDocument and bibliography managerPythonMultimedia
xmouselesscontrol mouse using keyboardCDesktop
evabs calculator alternativeRustUtilities
GNU UnitsUnits convertedCUtilities
pueuePueue is a command-line task management tool for sequential and parallel tasksRustUtilities
espansoText ExpanderRustUtilities
navicheatsheet toolRustUtilities
pierScript management CLIRustUtilities
rucksackcheatsheet toolPythonUtilities
qrcpExpose the file for download via QRGolangUtilities
pddTiny date, time diff calculator with piggybacked timersPythonUtilities
upUltimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live previewGolangUtilities
sadCLI search and replaceRustUtilities
bcalBits, bytes and address calculatorPythonUtilities
taskbookjs todo listNodeJSTime Management
termdownA CLI ASCII Timer/StopwatchPythonTime Management
kiwixOffline wiki browserC++Learning
grammacommand-line grammar checkerNodeJSLearning
WeboobWeb on the CLIPythonNews
gallery-dlyoutube-dl for imagesPythonWeb
ddgrDuckDuckGo from the terminalPythonWeb
bukuPowerful bookmark manager and a personal textual mini-webPythonWeb


LyTUI display managerCDesktop
LulePywal alternativeRustDesktop

Useful command line tools


  • ctrl+x+e : open a Editor instance for my command
  • fc : fix a long command messed up
  • Create a temporary fast ramdisk
mkdir -p /mnt/ram && mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/ram -o size=8019
  • Create a 1G junk file and compress it to tiny some Kb file
dd if=/dev/zero of=data.junk bs=1M count=1024 | bzip2 -c > kittenz.bz2
  • Execute code interactivelly on python shell startup
python -ic "from math import *"