Deploying cloud native PHP: the ecosystem

Hello Again, Throughout the 4 previous months I got the chance to work on php applications again. This time not as a developer, but as an operator. I spent a good part of my internship trying to deploy, run and optimize php apps on my local environment and on the cloud. This post will be in many parts (3 or more). This part will be a sort of introduction to the php ecosystem....

June 26, 2020 · 8 min · Iduoad

How do rootless containers work ? podman's case

Containers are not secure ! I am kidding ! they are pretty secure but they are dangerous and one reason why they are is because they require root privileges to run. Why ? OKey Okey let’s take a look at this: sudo docker run -v /:/hostfs ubuntu rm -rf /hostfs You figured why running docker (container runtime) as root is dangerous ? Running your container runtime as root is the most dangerous thing you can do, because escaping the container barrier (container runtime vulnerability) will make the attacker root and Slat 3enbi....

May 20, 2020 · 4 min · Iduoad

Easy VMs using git, stow and shell scripts

In this post we will shed the light a little bit on vagrant provisioning. To be more practical we will go through a workflow to configure you host machine and keep all your vms in-sync with it (configuration wise). Ingredients git, we will use it to version control our dotfiles (configuration files) and especially to host (push / clone) them in a code hosting platform (github / gitlab / …)....

October 27, 2019 · 3 min · Iduoad