Qemusystem vs Qemusession

Today I learned the difference between qemu:///system and qemu:///session. qemu:///system The system libvirtd instance qemu:///system launches the vms using the unpriviliges use qemu. And can grant the vm selective access to root owned resources. Access to qemu:///system is mediated using polkit and any user wanting to access it should provite the root password. By default users in the libvirt group have access to libvirtd (the group can be changed in polkit config) VMs are run as the default user qemu, and cannot access user files if the frontend application (virt-manager) is running another user....

March 10, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad

Qemu overlay images

Today I learned about Qemu overlay storage images. To create an overlay image from a backing image we use the following command: qemu-img create -o backing_file=img1.raw,backing_fmt=raw -f qcow2 img1.cow Then we can boot from the new image, and changes to its filesystem will be recorded in the overlay image. qemu-system-x86_64 img1.cow The backing image absolute path is stored in the new image, so changing the its path require manual entervention....

March 3, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad

Windows Filesystems

Today I learned about Windows filesystems(NTFS, FAT32 and exFAT), and the differences between them. | ** NTFS ** | The most modern (permissions, journaling, encryption, quota, hard links…), has no limits for file and partition sizes, and less universal (RO by default on Unix) | | ** FAT32 ** | The oldest, lightweight, 4GB max file size and 8TB max partition size, universal i.e supported by most platforms | | ** exFAT ** | Newer than FAT32, lightweight, same FAT32 use cases with larger limits |...

March 3, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad

Revealjs default themes

Today I learned about the Reveal.js available default themes. Name Effect black Black background, white text, blue links (default) white White background, black text, blue links league Gray background, white text, blue links beige Beige background, dark text, brown links sky Blue background, thin dark text, blue links night Black background, thick white text, orange links serif Cappuccino background, gray text, brown links simple White background, black text, blue links solarized Cream-colored background, dark green text, blue links blood Dark background, thick white text, red links moon Dark blue background, thick grey text, blue links Source...

February 20, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad

Remote Docker daemon through SSH

Today I learned how to connect to a remote docker daemon using SSH and key authentication. DOCKER_HOST=ssh://“ssh://user@remotehost” docker-compose up -d This can be specified in a context...

February 11, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad

Docker contexts

Today I learned how to deploy to many docker daemons usong docker contexts. # create docker context docker context create dind ‐‐docker "host=tcp://" # use docker context for upcoming commands docker context use dind # use docker context for one command docker --context default ps # list contexts docker context ls source...

February 11, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad

What Does Ubuntu Mean

Today I learned What Ubuntu means. Ubuntu is a South African ethonophylosophy, the word translates to “Humanity” or “The essence of being human”. The philosophy gravitate towards the idea of relational identity. “A person is a person through other people”. Another thing to note abour Ubuntu is that is the way it approaches Justice. Ubuntu adopts forgiveness instead of revange as a way to end the latter’s vicious cycle. The Ubuntu philosophy has been adopted by know thinkers like Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela....

February 7, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad