OCI Port Problem

Today I learned about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure port problem. Out of the box the OCI images come with iptables rules preventing any ingress traffic besides 22. To overcome this one should modify the iptables rules (add new ones). Discussion on superuser. Nice Article about the problem ...

February 26, 2022 · 1 min · Iduoad

Java major named project

Today I learned about some Java named project. Project Loom: Adds lightweight threads to Java. Project Valhalla: improves performance as it relates to access to data items. Project Panama: simplifies the process of connecting Java programs to non-Java components. Project Amber: explores and incubate smaller, productivity-oriented Java language features that have been accepted as candidate JEPs. More...

February 25, 2022 · 1 min · Iduoad

Redpanda streaming platform

Today I learned abour Redpanda which is a streaming service alternative to Kafka. Redpanda has implemented its internal Raft concensus algorithm and has no Zookeeper. Redpanda is writting in C++ which make it JVM free, and more developer-friendly for non Java Devs. Redpanda is compatible with Kafka API. Redpanda laverages WASM to enable one-shot transformations. Devs can write their data transformation in any language (compilable to WASM) and compile it to WASM and run it in Redpanda....

February 25, 2022 · 1 min · Iduoad

Podman Auto Update

Today I learned about the podman auto-update command. It updates all the containers managed by systemd (e.g. created by podman-generate-systemd --new) to the newest image version. More...

February 16, 2022 · 1 min · Iduoad

Podman Build Pulls

Today I learned about the pull flags in the podman build command. --pull=false: will pull the image only if it does not exist in the local repo. --pull=true: will pull the image if it doesn’t exist or if the remote has a newer version (default). --pull-always: will always pull the image. --pull-never: will never pull the image. More...

February 16, 2022 · 1 min · Iduoad

Some Podman Flags

Today I learned some useful podman flags like: --replace: to replace a container if it already exists. --ignore: to ignore errors and continue the work (very useful for bulk deletions). --tz: to set the TZ for the container. More...

February 16, 2022 · 1 min · Iduoad

set -a in Unix shells

Today I learned how to export many variable at once in Unix shells (tested in Zsh and Bash). set -a # enable the option var1="value1" var2="value2" var3="value3" var4="value4" set +a # disable the option More here...

December 14, 2021 · 1 min · Iduoad